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We are looking for individuals from diverse backgrounds to join our team.
We are looking for individuals from diverse backgrounds to join our team.

We are located on the Columbia Medical Campus in New York City's Washington Heights, in one of the most vibrant neighborhoods in the world. Candidates from all backgrounds in science and academia are encouraged to apply or inquire more information about our research.
Prospective postdoctoral fellows and scholars
We are seeking candidates with a PhD in any field of quantitative biosciences, chemical and biological engineering, cell and developmental biology, or biophysics, and who wish to take part in studying the basic biology of signaling, patterning, and morphogenesis in the context of embryogenesis, human organ development, and disease. No specific expertise or experience in these areas is required, although candidates should have a strong affinity for complex biosystems and a desire for experimental biology or engineering. Prospective candidates should email their CV, a short letter outlining their motivation for applying for the position, and contacts for three letters of reference.
Prospective PhD students
Most PhD students are accepted through the Chemical Engineering program, through the Integrated Program in Cellular, Molecular, and Biomedical Studies, or through Genetics and Development, although Columbia PhD students from other programs are encouraged to reach out, such as MD/PhD students or students from the Biosciences, Physics, and Chemistry programs. The lab cannot consider students that are not already admitted to one of the graduate programs at Columbia.
Undergraduate and masters students
We are devoted to training Columbia undergraduate and masters students with a passion for interdisciplinary research in the realm of chemical and biological engineering, stem cell biology, and biophysics. Undergraduate students in our lab typically run independent projects which gives them considerable exposure to research and so we expect our students to stay in the lab for a minimum of two years. Some students have also spent their gap year after graduating as full time research assistants while preparing materials for graduate school applications. Columbia students interested in joining the lab should submit their CV and a short description why they are interested in the lab.
Undergraduate and graduate visiting students
We welcome inquiries from prospective undergraduate or graduate visiting students who wish to get hands-on research experience or perform part of their PhD in our lab. The Simunovic lab participates in various summer programs at Columbia, such as the Amazon/SURE program. We encourage interested students to reach out.
Research Assistants, Technicians, and Administrative Staff
We are routinely looking for research staff, and ads will be posted on the Columbia jobs website. Prospective candidates may get in touch with inquiries.
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